Body Coming Soon


Relaxation massage

Great for stress reduction and loosening up your body. It is excellent for those who have had a hard working week or feel like treating themselves to some relaxation. A relaxation massage generally covers most areas of the body.

  • 30 min $30

  • 60 min $50

  • 90 min $75


Hot Stone Massage

90 min massage with hot stones

  • 90 min $100

Detox Body Scrub

The detox body scrub will leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed. Warm Towel, massage, Dry Loofa Exfoliation, Our Signature Scrub, Wet Loofa Exfoliation, Warm Towel Compress & Gentle Moisturizing Massage.

  • $100


Dead sea Body Wrap

The very high concentration of mineral rich content of potassium, magnesium, sodium, bromine and calcium, essential minerals for your body’s balance. Body wraps designed to help improve the texture and appearance of your skin by helping to assist to rid your body of excess fluids and toxins.

  • $100

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foot massage

Great for stress reduction and loosening up your body. It is excellent for those who have had a hard working week or feel like treating themselves to some relaxation. A relaxation massage generally covers the foot, ankles and calves.

  • 30 min $30

  • 60 min $50

  • 90 min $75

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A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. Great for stress reduction and loosening up your body. It is excellent for those who have had a hard working week or feel like treating themselves to some relaxation. A relaxation massage generally covers the foot, ankles and calves.

  • 90 Minute $100


Hand massage

Great for stress reduction and loosening up your body. It is excellent for those who have had a hard working week or feel like treating themselves to some relaxation. A relaxation massage generally covers forearm, wrists and hands.

  • 30 min $30

  • 60 min $50

  • 90 min $75

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A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. Great for stress reduction and loosening up your body. It is excellent for those who have had a hard working week or feel like treating themselves to some relaxation. A relaxation massage generally covers the foot, ankles and calves.

  • 90 Minute $100